platform : Proving Grounds level : easy
Recon : i will perform a quick rust-scan to see the available open ports. There are three (3) open ports in running on the target, let’s enumerate further to understand what services are running on the target ports and their and versions
Scanning & Enumeration : i will also run an nmap scan for further enumeration. The scan result came back and we have ssh , http , ftp running on port 2112, and we can see the ftp server contains some files. might help us. let’s take a dive, shall we?
i will login to the ftp server, since the server allows anonymous login and i will also specify the port number since ftp doesnt run on it default port, the creds are anonymous/anonymous.
let’s list the contents in the server since we saw there was some files in the server from our nmap scan result.
i will download everything in my local machine using the mget *
command, then i will view the file content.
The welcome.msg file doesn’t really gives us any valuable information, let’s move on to the next, the index.php.bak file is a html document, concatenating the content shows a php login script that once we enter the correct creds, we login in and it takes us to the dashboard else it prints a error message, looking at the script we see we have a username admin
which shows admin is a valid user and we have a password potato which is in the $pass variable, and then the actually login form. let’s continue with our enumeration, that information might help us somewhere.
HTTP: Navigating to the website, we have a static page with the Title Potato Company.
i will perform a directory bruteforce incase there are any hidden directories
ooooh, result came back and it looks like we have 1 hidden directory
Navigating to the directory shows this simple login form.
let’s try default creds which is admin/admin
which gave an error bad user, we see some familiarity with the form action and the index.php.bak we came across earlier.
We know that from the code the admin name exists and that the password is changed regularly base on the comment from the php script . Going with this we can try the strcmp bypass on the password value.
Authentication bypass i will use burpsuite for this so i can intercept traffic.
And then, i will set the password value to []==""
Nice, we are in, let’s go back to enumeration,
While checking around, in the logs section,
i will test if the server validates user’s input, i will try to move out of webroot’s directory, i will try to read the passwd file
Great, it vulnerable to path transversal, there is a user on the machine, webadmin
and we have the user’s hash.
Cracking time, let’s save in a file, then we will john to crack, i will use the rockyou file as wordlist.
john -w=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt hashfile
Exploitation : booom, we have plaintext creds, let’s use this to login to ssh.
Now in the box, In search of our flags. let’s list the content of the user’s directory
There are few files in the directory, including our flag. On to the last flag.
Privilege Escalation :
since we have creds for the user, let’s see if we have any sort of admin/root privilege to execute any commands with sudo.
Cool, i tried the gtfobins exploit but doesn’t work. After few searches, i found another and created a file called
echo’ed /bin/bash to the file and gave full permissions, then executed it. which gave a root bash shell. Navigated to the root directory and get the flag.
Thanks for reading, happy hacking folks, till another time. Adios
strump, auth bypass , path traversal.